wild potato

DCHP-1 (pre-1967)

Entry from the DCHP-1 (pre-1967)

This entry may contain outdated or offensive information, terms, and examples.

1 Obs.

a tuberous root, Sagittaria latifolia.

See: wapatoo


Esquebois . . . a root about the thickness and length of a man's finger, which may be termed the wild potato or pomme de terre of this country; it has a thin skin of a yellowish color, the inside perfectly white, and when boiled is tolerably good eating. They are also eaten raw, but are then of a windy nature, and sometimes cause a severe colic

See quote.


Spring Beauty. Claytonia lanceolata, Pursh. The so-called "wild potato" is the tuberous root of this beautiful Claytonia, which belongs to the Portulaca family. The tuber is quite small, sweet, and agreeable in flavour. It is boiled for use.